Cameroon, Africa in 17 days…

Preparation continues for my upcoming 27-day-long mission trip to Cameroon, Africa (see for details). I am so eager to go, but I’m not packed at all yet. I’m working on my packing list, as well as finding items and parts that John Dallmann (the missionary I will be serving with there) requested. And, I’m doing videography for two weddings in the over two weekends, in addition to trying to work 25+ hours per week. I’m busy, to say the least.

However, God has been reminding me that time with Him is crucial in preparation for this trip. I would encourage you to seek Him more, too. One phrase that really stood out to me as I read in John earlier this week was “apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) How true that is. We must abide in Christ, depending on His strength in all that we do so that He will abide in us and work through us.

Before I go spend some quality time with my Creator, I would like to share a little more about Cameroon with you. You can find some general information about the country by following these links: infoplease and Lonely Planet. I’ll be working mostly with the Fulani people group, who speak Fulfulde. Please pray for these people to be receptive to the gospel as we have opportunity to show the JESUS film to them. More about my trip to come…

In closing, I must share this little “map” that Sarah created for me. I guess there’s a vine on a fence near our house that is shaped like Africa, so she added the shape of Cameroon with Paint. Pretty clever. ๐Ÿ™‚


4 Comments on Cameroon, Africa in 17 days…

  1. So, now you are blogging as well. Will you bring your computer with you on your trip? If Josh has a laptop by then we are still not sure if he will bring it or not. We have learned, since China, that we need to travel LIGHTLY. A good lesson for this world as well. Hold loosely, or let go of those things which moth and rust will corrupt in order to hold tightly to those things which are eternal.
    See you in August, I think, Love, Your Dear Auntie

  2. Yes, I’m blogging now…I finally took the time to install the blogging program here at I’m not planning on taking a computer with me to Cameroon, but I might be able to use the Dallmann’s computer a few times while I’m in Yaounde at their house. If so, I’ll try to make a few posts.

    I’m planning to travel pretty lightly myself, but the Dallmans have requested that I bring them a number of things from the U.S., so that will add quite a bit of extra weight to my bags.

    See you in August, Auntie! ๐Ÿ™‚

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